In place of your regular Of the moment this week, I give you: a newly designed website!
It’s nothing too crazy and we’re still working out the kinks, but it’s fun to have something shiny and new to look at. I’m most excited to have a site that is finalllly mobile-friendly and bug-free: no more guilt about sending people to new posts straight from Instagram! I also took it as an opportunity to do some general housecleaning and update some pages, including my FAQs.
I know that things have been a bit quiet since the move to San Diego–the general chaos of moving, adjusting to a new work schedule, updating a website and a fun little side project have kept me busy–but I’m stoked to get back to sharing here. If you notice anything weird on the site, note that I’m probably fixing it this weekend–but if it persists into next week, please holler.
And mostly: thank you all for being here. This is the third design overhaul I’ve done since launching C’est Christine in 2010, and I always wonder if I’m going to keep doing this whole blogging thing and if it’s worth the investment. I generally come back to the same conclusion: I love having this slice of the internet, and if I can even have a positive influence on a few people (to travel more! to stop comparing themselves to strangers on the internet, or at least know the strangers are doing the same thing! to do the thing that scares you!): it’s all worth it. So: thank you! And if you’re just here for the weekly update…
Here’s the super condensed version of my week: I’m reading Unbecoming and I’m super into it (I mentioned it as a book on my list to read in my very first beach reads post, and I’m so glad I finally got around to it!), I’m obsessed with the Blue Apron chicken tangine we made (and I have some free Blue Apron meals to give away – leave your email in the comments if you’re interested) and we joined the Balboa Tennis Club (something I mentioned in my “how to make friends” post, and we already have a mixed doubles date set). I’m also going to my first Creative Mornings meetup today!
This weekend, we’re going on a hot air balloon ride in wine country: it will be David’s first one, and I’m so excited for him! (And also me, because I love hot air balloon rides: see Melbourne, Cappadocia and Scottsdale!)
Special thanks to Muni, who was the most incredibly efficient and responsive designer and developer. Such a pleasure working with him!